Soundproof Blog

How Does Soundproof Glass Work?

Soundproof Windows do not Remove or Replace Your Existing Windows, they help make your windows better.  The windows are the major noise problem in over 90% of the cases. Our soundproof windows are second windows placed behind your existing windows. Our windows insulate, stop drafts, are made of soundproof glass and have other benefits. They open and close just like your existing windows, and offer more than replacement windows – at a significantly lower cost. What About Double Pane Windows? While double pane windows do stop a little more noise than single pane windows, IGU (dual pane) glass is not very effective. In a quiet environment, it becomes very quiet. In a noisy environment, you hardly notice the difference. Our secret to a truly soundproof... Read More →

Protect Your Home’s Interior from UV Light

Couches, tables, carpet and paintings: these are just a few of the items found in a standard living room. Most living rooms also have several windows, or maybe a large window that allows natural light in, making the “center hub” of a home a little warmer and inviting. While allowing sunlight to brighten your room is ideal, the effect UV rays has on your couches, tables, carpet and paintings are not. Without replacing your current windows there are easy and affordable solutions to keep the brightness in, and the harmful UV rays out. Laminated Glass Commonly used as a safety glass, laminated glass consists of two layers of glass held together by a inter-layer of either polyvinyl butyral or ethylene-vinyl acetate. A popular use of... Read More →

Reduce Dust in Your Home

During the 1930’s, the Southern Plains and Midwest regions of the United States experienced a devastating event. The Dust Bowl caused severe dust storms that swept from Texas to Nebraska. Land that was once farmed and cultivated began rapidly losing topsoil and deemed unusable. While the Dust Bowl was a tragedy and the dust that accumulates in your home is not, it serves a lesson. Wind caries dirt, dust and other debris that can easily penetrate your windows. If such debris is penetrating the windows than air is making its way through as well and contributing to a lack of energy efficiency. Without replacing your windows, there is an easy solution.   Does Dust Affect Your Health? Dust is a pollutant that comes from the... Read More →

Historic Building or Home Preservation. Install Interior Windows

Preserving a historic property protects its value and the overall character it has added to your city/town for years. However, problems like energy efficiency and structural repairs will surface and you are left to balance the scales on sustainability and efficiency while maintaining historic preservation. Figuring out whether to restore or replace the old windows throughout the property will surely be an issue you need to tackle. Old windows are likely single pane and will add to an energy efficiency problem as they do not insulate well. Some historic preservation societies and local municipalities can disallow window replacement and/or restrict outside storm windows limiting your options. Soundproof Windows is a company that can easily solve this problem with the addition of interior windows. These windows... Read More →

What Type of Window Sound Barrier Is Best?

There are a variety of window sound barriers on the market that can reduce the amount of outside noise entering a room. Each option has strengths and weaknesses regarding ease of installation, aesthetic appeal, thermal insulation and noise reduction. Eliminating or reducing sound from entering a room is a need that many of us have. If you work in an office surrounded by traffic, pedestrians and construction, it can be difficult to focus. If you’re staying in a beachside hotel or Airbnb, beachgoers may be preventing you from relaxing. Pretty much everyone with insomnia and many others with sleep troubles find it difficult to sleep at home when barking dogs, partying neighbors and passing cars are constantly producing noise. In this article we explore your... Read More →

Are Sound Deadening Windows Worth It?

Many have considered soundproof windows for their homes and offices but are unsure if they can justify the expense. More and more people are coming to realize that soundproof windows pay for themselves faster than expected. Rather than us citing the impressive results our windows achieve, we thought we’d lean on some of our loyal customers to help show you why sound deadening windows are a great investment. Can Sliding Glass Doors Insulate While Acting As Sound Deadening Windows? We look to G Martin for this one. Martin sought a soundproof sliding glass door for two reasons: insulation and reducing the volume of the neighborhood’s relentless barking dog. As you can see, Martin’s new door reduced heat loss through the door during the winter. The... Read More →

Should I Replace My Windows?

Many of us have never purchased new windows. In fact, window repairs and upgrades are also uncommon. If your windows aren’t broken, why fix them, right? When finances are tight, it may seem difficult to justify home upgrades. Even when homeowners feel financially secure, the multitude of window companies and the myriad of window options available are staggering. This article answers the question, “Should I replace my windows?” We also discuss reasons to consider changing your windows, how many you should change at a time, which window types are available and factors you should consider while deciding. Why Would You Want to Replace Your Windows? There are a wide variety of reasons you might consider replacing, upgrading or otherwise changing your windows. One element to... Read More →

Sell Your Home Fast With Soundproof Windows

When purchasing a new home, what makes the house attractive or unattractive? Savvy homebuyers, home sellers and real estate agents often consider similar factors. Some of the things to consider are: the condition of the home, any upgrades made to the home, the functionality of the home’s parts, the landscaping, the heating and ventilation, the condition of the roof, the home’s insulation properties, the neighbors themselves, and the big one, the average noise produced near the home. People love quiet homes in quiet neighborhoods. In this article, we discuss how noise affects home sales and what can be done to mitigate noise. How Does Noise Affect Home Sales? Pretty much no one has ever said, “I’d like to tour your noisiest homes in your noisiest... Read More →

What Is the Ideal Hotel Window?

As populations continue to grow, especially in urban sectors, noise pollution also continues to grow. Casino hotels, resort casinos, and standard hotels across the world are tasked with designing rooms optimized for comfort, security, and functionality. Savvy room designers must consider which bed and bedding to purchase, which carpet or flooring, which drapes or blinds, which windows, which televisions, which refrigerators, which microwaves, which sinks, etc. As such, soundproof hotel rooms have become something for room designers to strive towards. One key component to the soundproofing of any room is the hotel window itself. In this article, we’ll examine what properties the ideal hotel window possesses. Characteristics of the Ideal Hotel Window While it may not be possible to address all of the following factors... Read More →

How to Soundproof a Room from Outside Noise

Okay, so you want to soundproof a room from outside noise. Whether you’re looking to soundproof hotel rooms, apartment complexes, condominiums, business buildings, or your own home, we at Soundproof Windows would like to offer some helpful information. In this article we’ll discuss sound-absorbing materials, sound-blocking materials, reverberation, and more. How Do Materials Absorb and Block Sound? Sound-absorption materials do not block sound. Sound-absorption materials reduce the bouncing and echoing of soundwaves in a given room. Sound-absorbers alter soundwave paths and convert the energy to heat. You’ll often see sound-absorbing devices constructed with foams and ‘squishy’ materials. Sound-absorbers are designed to reduce the reverberation in a room. Reverberation refers to the continuance of sound in a room after it was originally produced. When soundwaves get... Read More →