Reduce Dust in Your Home

During the 1930’s, the Southern Plains and Midwest regions of the United States experienced a devastating event. The Dust Bowl caused severe dust storms that swept from Texas to Nebraska. Land that was once farmed and cultivated began rapidly losing topsoil and deemed unusable. While the Dust Bowl was a tragedy and the dust that accumulates in your home is not, it serves a lesson. Wind caries dirt, dust and other debris that can easily penetrate your windows. If such debris is penetrating the windows than air is making its way through as well and contributing to a lack of energy efficiency. Without replacing your windows, there is an easy solution.


Does Dust Affect Your Health?

Dust is a pollutant that comes from the natural erosion of soil, sand and rock. While those elements make up the majority of what dust is, pollen and dander contribute as well as other microscopic organisms. Small dust particles that can be inhaled may cause irritation of the eyes, coughing, sneezing, hay fever and asthma attacks. If you have a respiratory condition like asthma or emphysema, or have a heart condition, then you are at a greater risk as a higher level of dust can worsen your symptoms. High levels of dust can also be harmful for babies, young children and elderly people as long-term exposure can cause health problems to develop. While many individuals will also not be affected by the presence of dust, preventing it still helps avoid worsening seasonal allergies and the cleanliness of your home.


why is my house so dusty?

A Few of the Windiest Cities in the US

Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration put together a list with the top windiest cities in the US.  This data documents annual average wind speed and the annual maximum wind speed. The top five include:

  • Cold Bay, Alaska: annual average wind speed is 16.1 mph and annual maximum wind speed is 96 mph
  • Paul Island, Alaska: annual average wind speed is 15.5 mph and annual maximum wind speed is 91 mph
  • Lihue, Hawaii: annual average wind speed is 13.3 mph and annual maximum wind speed is 85 mph
  • Dodge City, Kansas: annual average wind speed is 13.1 mph and annual maximum wind speed is 82 mph
  • Kahului, Hawaii: annual average wind speed is 12.9 mph and annual maximum wind speed is 99 mph

Some of top states with the most cities on this list include Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas, Texas, Nebraska and South Dakota.


Why is My House So Dusty?

Wind caries dust rather easily and will penetrate your home without proper reinforcements. Windows are often the culprit. Standard windows throughout your home often lack insulation and a quality seal. Even re-sealing your current windows is temporary as it can break down with unpredictable weather conditions. Soundproof Windows are specifically made to solve problems like this. There is no need to remove or replace your current windows as soundproof windows are second windows placed behind your existing windows. They insulate, stop drafts, soundproof and much more. View our page on how they work to fight against outside elements and keep your house cleaner and well insulated. Living in a windy and dusty area does not have to affect your home thanks to Soundproof Windows, Inc. Not only do our windows excel in all conditions, but our sliding glass doors prove the same level of quality and benefits. Visit our website and call us at 1 (877) 438-7843 today to get a free estimate!