Noise Pollution in the Top 10 Loudest USA Cities

It’s no secret that as the United States becomes increasingly urban, the corresponding noise pollution responds accordingly. Noise pollution due to air traffic, vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic, and construction are plaguing the homes of many Americans. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics, a division of the United States Department of Transportation, updated its National Transportation Noise Map on June 12, 2017. The map allows users to see the noise generated in their particular neighborhoods.

City dwellers need not suffer from noise pollution indefinitely. Soundproof Windows, Inc. can help reduce the noise entering your home by more than you’d think.

The Top 10 Loudest USA Cities

Baltimore, MD – The port of Baltimore and the densely populated urban areas case the high amount of noise for the area.

Dover, DE – The Dover Air Force base is the primary culprit for noise pollution in the surrounding areas.

Philadelphia, PA – The train station, the Philadelphia International Airport, and sport stadiums give this city its high noise rating.

New York City, NY – The most densely populated city in the United States continues rank as one of the loudest cities. The three airports, JFK, LGA, and EWR, are major contributors of noise. The port, construction, and residents also contribute.

Detroit, MI – Though automobile manufacturing in Detroit has taken serious hits, the densely populated urban areas continue to create noise pollution.

Boston, MA – The port of Boston and the Boston Logan International Airport drive up noise pollution for Massachusetts residents.

Los Angeles, CA – The heavy ground traffic in LA causes it to remain a major noise hub. LAX, one of the country’s most frequented airports, also causes noise pollution.

Dallas, TX – The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and major industrial neighborhoods mark this city on the noise map.

How Does Noise Pollution Affect My Health?

Noise pollution isn’t just an inconvenience, it can also be a detriment to your health. Noise pollution has been known to increase stress, decrease productivity, reduce concentration, reduce restful sleep, and in serious cases, it can lead to tinnitus, hearing impairment, and cardiovascular disease, according to the World Health Organization.

Effect of noise pollution on health.

How Do I Protect Myself and My Family from Noise Pollution?

A variety of options are available to help individuals and families reduce noise pollution in their homes and communities. The two primary methods for reducing noise in your life are reducing the noise entering your ears with ear plugs and reducing the noise entering your home with soundproof windows.

A soundproof window made by Soundproof Windows, Inc. will reduce noise levels by 75-95%. Our soundproof windows will reduce noise levels significantly which is not possible with dual pane or replacement windows. We answer all your soundproofing questions here.

Contact us today for your free estimate. We provide our services countrywide!